BlogLaunch Of PIA Connect App In Digital Transformation

09/04/2021by EDCS_MY0

Digital Transformation In Mobile Application Across Various Industries.

In the last three decades, there have been many disruptive technologies that have changed how businesses operate. It is difficult for many people to understand, for example, how companies once conducted business without websites, email or personal computers. Today, some people marvel that a company does not use Skype, cloud computing or social media. Of all the innovative technologies that have appeared in recent years, however, mobile has certainly proven to be among the most disruptive.

Mobile devices have provided customers and employees with the freedom to interact with your company from any location. Mobile apps make it easier for your customers to find you, learn about your products and interact with you. These apps allow you to reach a wider range of customers, and they offer you new ways to deliver your marketing messages. Mobile apps also allow your employees to be more productive. Your sales personnel can check on a customer’s order status before leaving the customer’s site, collaborate with other employees at remote locations or be notified of any changes to their schedules.

Digital Transformation Mobile-First

Your mobile strategy — both for internal use and in support of your customers — is a bellwether of your approach to digital transformation. It is an opportunity to take more digital-native approaches across your technology portfolio, particularly on the front end where your employees and customers engage with you through computers, websites and mobile devices.

Many IT organizations treat mobility as at best a separate silo or channel, and at worst as an unwanted platform they support as minimally as possible despite business demands. You see this approach expressed as constrained support of mobile devices and a desktop-centric approach to customer engagement on the web. The results are more technological and operational, less flexibility and engagement opportunities for employees and customers, and a perpetuation of the rigid, monolithic approach to computing — all self-limiting attributes that digital transformation seeks to end.

How Mobile-First Digital Transformation Accelerates Business Growth

It is essential that businesses focus on Mobile-First Digital Transformation to stay in touch with the employees as well as the customers. An inclusive Mobile-First Digital Transformation approach enables more than just mobile work and engagement. It enables you to remove problematic silos in security, management, operations, and engagement. However, we see that despite the growing number of customers and employees that use a mobile application to research, shop and much more, mobile is still an overlooked aspect, as digital transformation focuses on web presence and digital marketing. But it is crucial that Mobile-First Digital Transformation is kept at the forefront, especially with the proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) that has quickly increased the number of connected devices like wearables and drives the need for mobile apps development.

By making data and analytics accessible in the hands of the employees, companies can quickly see benefits such as faster, better decisions that improve professionals’ performance and drive higher customer satisfaction.

Mobile technologies have led the transformation of digital from PC-centric to mobile-first. For instance, Cloud-based services such as Dropbox and iCloud more often extend the power of Mobile strategy to a significantly greater level than that of the PC.

Leveraging Mobile For Digital Transformation

The core strategy for using mobile to transform front-end technology siloes into a digital-native omni device and omnichannel approach is one of unification: the use of common technologies, policies, standards and teams regardless of device or platform. You will still need specialists who understand the capabilities, limitations and special approaches taken by each mainstream computing platform and web browser, but they will feed that knowledge into the unified process through which you undertake your computing efforts.

Successful Launch Of PIA Connect APP


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